Much anticipated movie 'Baahubali 2's Telugu version's trailer launch date was officially announced by the makers. The trailer will be played in all theaters across Telugu states between 9 am and 10 am. And the trailer will be out in social media at 4 pm on the same day.
On the other hand, Hindi version's theatrical trailer launch was planned in a special event to be held in Mumbai on 15th of March. As 'Baahubali' stood as the runaway hit at Indian box office, obviously, movie lovers pinned lot of hopes on the blockbuster success of Baahubali 2.
It is a known news that the movie's release date has been locked to April 28. Young Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana, Anushka and Tamannah have played the lead star cast in this complete folklore entertainer. Arka Media Works is the production house.