Puri Jagannadh's announcement on a project with Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna triggered various speculations on the story of the film. It is a known news that Puri prepared 'Auto Jani' script for Megastar Chiranjeevi. However, the script was rejected by the Megastar as he was not satisfied with the second half.
Way back Puri penned script for a message oriented entertainer 'Janaganamana' for Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The script was later narrated to heroes like Prince Mahesh and Victory Venkatesh. But then, the project couldn't get materialized.
Some of the movie goers are predicting that Balayya may work for anyone of the projects which were earlier prepared for mega brothers while some more observers felt Puri might prepare fresh subject for Balayya. We may get details on the opening ceremony of the movie which will happen on March 9.