Its’ more than 48 hours after the official press meet by ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ Krishna district distributor Sampath Kumar elaborating his helplessness and pathetic financial situation incurring the losses of round about 2 Crores on Pawan Kalyan’s disaster. While the soft demand from Sampath was to put forward the whole issue before Pawan Kalyan as he is circled by dreadful, hard to breach mafia.
Of course, a section of people having heard Sampath’s voice expressed their sympathy while others connected to film industry called it a routine fare as film business will have fewer ups and more downs. Yet, when the subject in discussion is Pawan Kalyan obviously a reaction or decision favoring Sampath is expected.
Pawan being busy with ‘Katama Rayudu’ shoot, looks like he hasn’t got enough time to take information on Sampath and basic cause behind his press meet. Whatsoever, Pawan should take an appropriate decision before things get out of control. Who knows, there might be already an amicable solution found behind the scene.