Earlier this morning, some of the mega fans were frustrated to the core reading a fake article on Megastar Chiranjeevi's 'Khaidi Number 150's collections in an English daily. The article says Income Tax officials had recently visited the producer of the film Mega Power Star Ram Charan. Ram Charan revealed them that the movie was made with a budget of Rs.60 crores which included Rs.20 crores as Chiranjeevi's fee while Rs.10 crores were paid to the director VV Vinayak. And the film was collected Rs.75 crores. Finally, Ram Charan told them that they would pay the tax for Rs.15 crores profit earned by them with the film.
There have been huge discussions on the said article in social media today. According to our highly placed sources, no income tax officials visited the makers of 'Khaidi Number 150' so far and the article published in the newspaper was a mere fake.
While digging out the truth to know why the article was published in the newspaper, interesting details have been revealed. It is buzzed that the person responsible for publishing the article was the hardcore fan of a hero. Earlier, 3/5 rating was given to the Tollywood number one disaster which starts with the letters Br'. It was also published that 'Br' makes big money. In fact, the film couldn't even collect Rs.35 crores. For another disaster that starts with the letters 'Aa..' it was written in the newspaper that the hero thrills the fans with encounter specialist role. Meanwhile, most the mega fans were seen taking the article light saying that, "We have recorded evidences for every single rupee collections of the film and we challenge to keep our word. The film so far collected Rs.106 crores share world wide without fixed hires and stood as the second place in Tollywood next to 'Baahubali'.