Venkatesh’s upcoming sports drama ‘Guru,’ remade from Tamil film ‘Irudhi Suttru’ is facing release hurdles. Actually, the Telugu film is produced and directed by the same team of producer Sashikanth and director Sudha Kongara Prasad. In order to reduce production costs, they have used the same Tamil/Hindi original footage retaining Rithika Singh scenes as it is. Only those portions which require Venkatesh and combination scenes are shot separately.
Finally, ‘Guru’ promotional stuff is rolled out and created curiosity announcing the release date as January 26th. Latest we heard from film unit is, Venkatesh expressed unhappiness over the final version and called in for an urgent meeting showing off his concern. Resultantly, they went for re-shooting of many scenes yet Venky is left dissatisfied.
To keep up good work and sincere theme in ‘Irudhu Suttru’ undiluted for Telugu version, director Sudha Kongara took strange decision to postpone the release for summer. Though the news is unofficially out, come Jan 26th there is only one film in fray and it is Suriya’s ‘Singham 3.’