Nandamuri fans across the globe are eagerly waiting for the debut of Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's son Mokshagna. For the past couple of days it has been being speculated that Sai Korrapati might produce Mokshagna's film. It is a known thing that Sai is a close aide of Balakrishna.
Finally, Sai, himself, confirmed that he would bankroll Mokshagna's debut film on his own production house Varahi Chalana Chitra. The producer, however, hasn't revealed the details of the project. Also, no clarity was given him about the film's launch date.
Sai has distributed 'Gauthamiputra Satakarni' for Vizag and Ceded areas. This critically well acclaimed film was directed by Krish on First Frame Entertainment. shriya Sharan has done opposite to Balakrishna in this historical entertainer.