Megastar Chiranjeevi's 'Khaidi Number 150's theatrical trailer, which was unveiled in 'Boss Is Back' event, has created an all time day one record with 2.70 M views. It also has clocked at 1.4M face book views, another tremendous record of the Megastar's film.
In the meanwhile, the film has reached to zenith of expectations. We are hearing from all corners that the film's advance bookings are on full swing. Ticket rates for benefit shows were fixed in all major centers as Rs.300. In East Godavari and in Vizag, Balcony ticket's price was confirmed to Rs.150 for regular shows. The film is expected to create day one records everywhere.
Directed by ace director VV Vinayak the movie has Kajal Aggarwal in lady lead role. Mega Power Star Ram Charan has produced the film on Konidela Production Company. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music. It is a known news that the film is slated for a grand release on January 11.