Finally, the wait of Young Tiger NTR's fans is over. The much awaited film of NTR's next has been announced today by NTR's elder brother Kalyan Ram. The actor-producer tweeted, "“Very happy to announce that my brother @tarak9999 ‘s prestigious #NTR27 will be on our home banner, @NTRArtsOfficial .Directed by @dirbobby“.
Previously, several names of the directors of NTR's next venture made rounds. Eventually, the young tiger was impressed with the script narrated by the director. The film's cast, crew and other details maybe announced soon.
NTR's previous film 'Janatha Garage' was one of the biggest grossers of this year. The movie was directed by crazy director Koratala Siva on Mythri Movie Makers. On the contrary Bobby's latest offing Power Star Pawan Kalyan starrer 'Sardaar Gabbar Singh' exhibited dismal performance at the ticket windows. It remains to be seen how well NTR-Bobby's combo impresses the audience.