
No Movie Openings Anytime Sooner!

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Film Activity In Film Nagar At Lowest

New Movie Openings Affected By Demonetisation
New Movie Openings Affected By Demonetisation

With high likelihood of monetary flows in market will not be easing up for next five to seven months, thanks to Modi’s harsh blow on black money, Telugu film industry is witnessing a complete downsized activity. Nevertheless big producers who generally run behind multiple projects multitasking with different affairs are sitting idle with no white currency on hand.

All this has directly affected the day to day happenings in Film Nagar. An anonymous film event organizer commented, ‘there will be no more new movie openings for next few months. This could be the first time in recent Telugu cinema history we will glimpse a destitute film industry with zero activity. Till the time black money finds its tributaries merging into glamour business, the dark phase will continue. Such negative vibrations can be more visible on big budget projects for sure.’


Ultimately, lower and middle class can be the final sufferers. Producers can afford to sit lazy and inert but what about the daily wage labor solely dependent on film shootings to earn bread and butter. They eagerly wait for clap-board sound to get cash on board.