
Media Cooks Stories to Defame Them?

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Frustrated Media Targets Its Opposition Groups?

Pro Political Party Media Spits Venom on Oppositions?
Pro Political Party Media Spits Venom on Oppositions?

While the people in country are facing intense crisis with the scarcity of currency notes, some of the Media houses started spewing venom on some of the eminent and legendary personalities in Telugu states to defame them alleging, they had kept stacks of black money. 

Reportedly, these Media people happened to be staunch supporters of a young politician from AP, who had been in jail for a couple of months till some days ago. This politician was supposed to win 2019 election battle giving a huge jolt the ruling TDP which actually did not happen.


All of a sudden, a powerful hero took the historical decision making an entry into active politics. This decision is likely to affect the winning prospects of the youth politician mentioned above. Obviously, the frustrated Media started spitting venom on the hero and his family.

"There won't be any takers for these cheap tricks nowadays. Better they should come up with more innovative gossips to defame its opposition groups," say fans of those Media houses.