As we reported earlier, Young Tiger NTR's 'Janatha Garage' registered 20.69 TRPs by 'Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) by Government of India. However, above table released by BARC showcases Trivikram's 'A..Aa' stood as the first in TRPs among movies and programs telecasted in the week. Strangely, 'Janatha Garage' has no place in the above table. What does it mean?
Well, this table triggered many speculations on the TRPs of 'Janatha Garage' which led to interesting discussions. In this scenario, movie lovers are advising BARC to be aware of releasing such tables and should not be influenced by any external factors. In short, this prestigious agency is expected to be genuine in giving accurate data of TRPs.
In the meanwhile, a 9 rated news channel telecasted a program on 'Janatha Garage'. According to the TV analysts, this is the first time in the history TV channels, a movie's TRPs are highlighted in spite of it not being an all time record. Whatsoever, NTR's fans are on jubilant mode with their hero's film stood as one of the biggest hits of this year and generated good TRPs.