Prince Mahesh's fans are celebrating the star's birthday today with lot of merriment. At this juncture, the speculations on three crazy projects of Mahesh are bringing cheers among the fans. As we know, Mahesh is working with AR Murugadoss for one of the crazy projects down South. It's going to be a Telugu-Tamil bilingual and touted to be a message oriented film. The makers are investing a whopping of Rs.90 crores on the project.
And then, Mahesh will be working with Vamshi Pydipally for a film to be produced by PVP Cinema. Vamshi is riding high with the super hit result of 'Yevadu' and critically acclaimed film 'Oopiri'. This film will go on sets soon after Mahesh and ARM's film gets its shoot wrapped up.
Leaving no stone unturned to keep the fans ecstatic, Mahesh may work with wizard of words, Trivikram. And it might be the landmark 25th venture of Mahesh. Mythri Movie Makers may bankroll this project. Mahesh may also team up with 'Srimanthudu's director Koratala Siva in near future. It remains to be seen all these projects will really get materialized or not. Let's hope for the best for Mahesh's future endeavours.