Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Dhruva' is in the last leg of its shoot. The film unit has successfully wrapped up four schedules of this much anticipated movie of Tollywood. Meanwhile, Ram Charan happened to visit Hyderabad's prestigious monument 'Charminar' as part of the shoot of the film.
"Shoot at old city hyd & climbed the Charminar for the first time ...Amazing view !!! #hyderabad #dhruva," posted the message by Ram Charan who got cheered for climbing the historical monument.
Rakul Preet Singh is romancing Ram Charan in this action thriller. Ram Charan plays cop's role in the movie while Arvind Swamy will be seen as an antagonist. Hiphop Tamizha scores the tunes of the movie. The movie is being directed by Surender Reddy. Mega producer Allu Aravind is producing the film on Geetha Arts.