Multi talented actress Nayanathara suffered ups and downs in her personal romantic life. We all are very much informed about this. However, what we also knew is Nayanathara is still a bachelorette and is in no mood to find a life partner. Working with Venkatesh Babu for ‘Babu Bangaram’ movie in Maruthi direction, above picture posted by the director himself on social networking has lead to some sort of confusion.
Seated in a row, producer Naga Vamshi followed by hero Venkatesh from one end and director Maruthi on other end, the picture is really impressive but what’s catching our attention is Nayanathara’s chair reading her name as Mrs. Kurian.
Yes, Nayan’s original name is Diana Mariam Kurian. Although, she converted into Hindi religion sometime ago but went back obeying the ordinance of Jesus Christ. Apparently, it’s not the name of Kurian but it’s the prefix of Mrs speaks something really suspicious. Was it a mistake by production team or is Nayan really married?