The time when Power Star Pawan Kalyan launched Janasena political party and made aggressive campaigns for the victory of TDP and the BJP, noted businessman and filmmaker Potluri Vara Prasad associated with him. Speculations then were rife that PVP had funded Janasena public meets. It was also widely rumoured that PVP desperately tried Vijayawada MP ticket through Pawan Kalyan.
Meanwhile, PVP has tried to clear all the gossips floated around him during Janasena's launch. He rubbished that never ever had he tried an MP ticket and he was not in India that time. He also said Janasena was expected to run as a non political organization. "When Pawan Kalyan decided to make Janasena as a political party, I parted it," says PVP. However, PVP's words on Janasena appear hard to be believed.
PVP's new film 'Brahmotsavam' is slated for release on May 20. The movie is carrying huge expectations at the moment. PVP's 'Kshanam' and 'Oopiri' scored decent hits recently.