India's top director Shankar's magic with graphics for Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth's 'Robo' stunned everyone and all. This larger than life movie got runaway success at the box office. Currently, the sequel of 'Robo', 'Robo 2.0' is under production.
It is being said that a shocking budget of Rs.100 crores are being allocated for the VFX work of the movie. A total of seven companies from Hollywood will be working for graphics of the film. Given the unprecedented expectations, the movie might stand as India's highest grossing film.
Meanwhile, the third schedule of the movie gets kick started in the later half of this month. Amy Jackson shares screen presence with Rajinikanth. AR Rehaman scores the tunes. Bollywood top hero Akshay Kumar plays an antagonist. The movie is being made on Lyca Productions.