Stylish Star Allu Arjun and director Vikram Kumar are riding high on the successes of their latest ventures. While Allu Arjun's 'Sarrainodu' has already got the blockbuster success with Rs.60+ crores share collections, director Vikram Kumar and Suriya starrer '24' has carried hit talk and is running with good collections at the moment.
Allu Arjun's next project hasn't been announced officially yet. Lingusamy and Vikram Kumar's names are being heard to be teamed up with Allu Arjun. As per the update, Vikram Kumar has almost completed the script work of Allu Arjun's movie. If the story is okayed by Allu Arjun, he may work with the director immediately.
Vikram Kumar's 'Manam' has been made as a story of three generations while his '24's was based on the story of two generations. It then remains to be seen whether the director visualizes the substance which describes different generations again nor does he prefer any brand new concept. One thing is pretty clear. Allu Arjun will definitely be seen in a brand new avatar for his next.