Stylish Star Allu Arjun anticipated that Megastar Chiranjeevi's most prestigious comeback film, which is also his 150th film, would be collecting 150 crores share. He proclaimed it on the dais of the 'Blockbuster event of 'Sarrainodu' held in Vijayawada tonight.
Mega Producer Allu Aravind, on the other hand, treated 'Sarrainodu's success as Chiranjeevi 150th film's pre release gift. Meanwhile, a huge turnout was recorded at the venue of the film's event. All the film's cast and crew graced the occasion.
The crowd got cheered when the dancers were performing for Chiranjeevi and other mega heroes' dances on the stage. Heroes Srikanth and Adhi expressed their joy with the success of the movie. Catherine enthralled the audience by uttering a dialogue from the movie while Rakul Preet Singh sang 'Thelusa manasa' song melodiously. Boyapati Srinu assured he would deliver more number of blockbusters. Allu Arjun also vocalized the punch dialogue on 'brand'. Altogether, the function ended on a grand note.