Stylish Star Allu Arjun took a brave step to team with director Lingusamy and producer KE Gnanavel Raja of Studio Green possibly a big leap of Telugu hero into Kollywood. In fact, heroes from Kollywood and other non-Telugu cinema industries are enjoying big mileage in AP, TS. Irrespective of a straight Telugu film or dubbed one, Telugu audience openly welcomed good films.
Healthy environment is prevailing between all the South regional cinema industries with mutual co-operation thus enhancing the market value. The reason why Mohan Lal is bought back to Tollywood for ‘Janatha Garage’ fetched enormous business advantage for makers as the film is sold for a bomb in Kerala.
Bunny’s ‘Sarrainodu’ is also released in Tamil Nadu and director Boyapati deliberately included Tamil faces like Jaya Prakash, Aadhi Pinisetty, Deva Darshini giving freshness for Telugu viewers and Tamil connectivity for Aravam public. Apparently, Bunny is a recognizable face now in Tamil, Kerala and his association with Lingusamy can take him to new heights in entire South. So, it’s the joint sketches from Boyapati and Lingusamy helping Bunny to grow big.