Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 'Sardaar Gabbar Singh' opened with mixed reports, but they didn't stop the movie collecting record shares. In Nizam area, the movie was reported to have collected Rs.4.25 crores on the first day and occupied next slot after 'Baahubali'.
Humongous response from Ceded has been witnessed on the first day of the movie. The movie is expected to breach Rs.4 crores in the territory due to flat rates. The movie was earlier sold out for Rs.10.60 crores. The film is expected to collect around Rs.19 crores which is next to 'Baahubali's 21.63 crores collections.
The movie will get steady collections in next two days as they are part of the weekend's holidays. Directed by Bobby, SGS was made on Northstar Entertainment. Pawan Kalyan Creative Works and Eros International are the production houses.