A special screening of 'Sardaar Gabbar Singh's Hindi version has been done for Bollywood's film critics a couple of hours ago and there were positive reports from them. Noted film critic Kunal Shah says the film has full of masala entertainment and Power Star Pawan Kalyan rocked the show. He anticipated a huge hit for Eros International.
Another film critic RJ Alok tweeted, " Action +Emotion + Up beat songs + Dance = #SardaarGabbarSingh Power Packed Masaala Film...Power Star @PawanKalyan @ErosNow".
Meanwhile, the movie's Hindi version is hitting 800 screens in North India tomorrow. Directed by KS Ravindra, the movie has its music scored by Devi Sri Prasad. Stunning beauty Kajal Aggarwal has done opposite to Pawan Kalyan in the film. Sharat Marar has produced the movie on Northstar Entertainment in association with Pawan Kalyan Creative Works and Eros International.