
Why Yellow Media Ignored Pawan's Political Statement?

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Observation: Yellow Media Ignored Pawan's Political Statement

Yellow Media Skips Pawan's Political Statement
Yellow Media Skips Pawan's Political Statement

Power Star Pawan Kalyan gave a sensational statement during his interview with Bollywood's top journo Anupama Chopra.  And this is about Pawan Kalyan's views on strengthening his political party Janasena by 2019 and to contest in the elections as a full time politician. He also announced his retirement after doing two to three films.


Leaving a huge shocker to everyone and all, yellow newspapers completely ignored publishing the news. Opposition party's newspaper also skipped publishing the news. On the contrary, Yellow Media used to publish the news of Pawan Kalyan in headlines when his name was connected to Chandrababu Naidu and the TDP's affairs. 

The reason for Yellow Media's fear is that they are predicting Janasena might emerge as a strong opposition force in 2019 to crush the TDP in the election battle and so it might have ignored publishing the news.