Young hero Nani's new film 'Krishnagadi Veerapremagadha' is currently on sets. Nani will be seen as Balakrishna's fan in this romantic and comedy entertainer. Earlier the movie's title was considered to be 'Jai Balayya'. However, the makers have finally opted for 'KVG'.
It is learnt that Prince Mahesh will launch the audio of the movie on 18th of this month. Mahesh's support is expected to get the movie invigorated such that good business is done. Mahesh has recently attended the audio launches of Akhil's 'Akhil' and Sudheer Babu's 'Bhale Manchi Roju'.
14 Reels, who produced the movies like 'Dookudu', '1-Nenokkadine', 'Aagdu' etc. has produced 'KVG'. Mehareen will be romancing with Nani in this film. Vishal Chandrasekhar composes the music of the movie. Hanu Raghavapudi wields megaphone.