Director Ram Gopal Varma has recently tweeted that he would be filming a movie with the title 'Vangaveeti'. " “Film starts with the rise of Radha and ends with the death of Ranga. That’s why I am calling the film Vangaveeti.”
However, Rgv received threatening tweets for his 'Vangaveeti' announcement. " “You won’t get permission to release the film in Andhra until you hide the facts as to who really killed both and for what benefits,” and “Don’t dare do that Rgv. Any small mistake in your movie will leave you dead. Because Ranga is still a demi god to many people," posted by an unknown person.
Earlier too Rgv got warning tweets from some of his followers when he was making 'Raktha Charithra'. But then, Rgv has ignored those tweets and went ahead on directing both 'Raktha Charithra' and its sequel. However, 'Vangaveeti' has a different backdrop involved in it that has full of caste politics. It remains to be seen how well Rgv handles the subject with authentic proofs.