Raviteja’s ‘Bengal Tiger’ opened to tremendous positive reports has also managed to score extra ordinary on Box Office front. In fact, the figures recorded for this mass action entertainer are almost the top rankers in Raviteja career. From day one, combination of Sampat Nandi and Raviteja had that positive buzz both in trade circles and common audience too.
With a wonderful and entertainment dominated screenplay, Sampat stole the show very well using the resources of Raviteja, Tamanna, Rashi Khanna and of course the technical team wrapping the project on time within the given budget. Apparently, all this helped producer KK Radha Mohan to close the pre release business on happy note and now ready to enjoy the profits too.
While some media sources have quoted on ‘Bengal Tiger’ Box Office graph showed a declination with less probability of having a happy run in second week, now the divided talk spread for ‘Loafer’ is proving to be a blessing. With good number of theaters retained for ‘Bengal Tiger’ in second week, there is an extension to its victorious journey.