For next three to four months, there will be an extended continuation of similar silence regarding Chiranjeevi’s prestigious 150th film. After hearing plenty of stories from writers of different age groups, Mega Star isn’t satisfied with any. So, he took the decision of keeping all his film commitments aside not for the sake of politics but to sort out the problems pulling his son Ramcharan’s career down.
The back to back poor results of ‘Govindudu Andari Vaadele’ and ‘Bruce Lee’ damaged Ramcharan’s image. At a time when critics lashed out at Charan for restricting himself with in a nested image, there is a strong necessity for Chiranjeevi to rescue Ramcharan from growing burden and pressure. If reports are to believed, Chiru is personally monitoring the script work of ‘Thani Oruvan’ Telugu remake passing inputs to director Surender Reddy on daily basis.
At any cost, Mega Star wants to see a super duper hit result for ‘Thani Oruvan’ remake and for this to happen, he is ready to sacrifice his entire time of next two to three months. Apparently, how far the obsolete mindset of Chiranjeevi would help Surender Reddy in enhancing final output? Time will say, how Ramcharan resurfaces with his lost craze?