Mega Power Star Ram Charan's latest offing 'Bruce Lee' has beached Rs.30 crores share mark on the fourth day of its release world wide. According the trade, the movie collected a share of Rs.32+ crores world wide at the end of its five days run.
Since it's going to be a long weekend that includes the festival Dussehra, 'Bruce Lee' is expected to collect around Rs.40 crores share by its second weekend. Directed by Srinu Vaitla the movie was made on DVV Entertainment. Rakul Preet singh has done the lead actress of the movie.
Meanwhile, Ram Charan's new film, which is the remake of Tamil blockbuster 'Thani Oruvan', will go on sets soon. Surender Reddy will helm this project while DVV Danayya will be producing the movie on DVV Entertainment. Ram Charan will also produce his father Megastar Chiranjevi's prestigious 150th project under his new banner Konidala Productions.