Mega Prince Varun Tej starrer 'Kanche' audio launch event has been scheduled to September 17 on the auspicious day of Vinayakachavithi. Grapevine is that the makers are mulling over to organize this grand gala function in the city of Vizag. An official announcement is awaited from the makers.
However, there is a reason the makers contemplating to launch the audio in Vizag. The city was attacked during the world war 2. Since the movie's substance is also based on the backdrop of World War 2, the production team might have thought of Vizag the best for the audio launch of the movie
Pragya Jaiswal romances with Varun Tej in this period drama. Chirantan Bhatt has composed the music of the movie. The movie was directed by Krish on First Frame Entertainment. The movie is slated for trelease on October 2.