Prince Mahesh's 'Srimanthudu' hit the screens today in a big number of theaters. At the end of the day, the movie is being received super hit reports from A centers and average reports from B and C centers. However, extravagant promotions may take the movie to another level. As per early estimations, the movie is expected to collect around Rs.60 crores share in its full run. If family audiences own the movie and other sections from all corners receive it well, sky is the limit for the collections of the movie.
Meanwhile, 'Srimanthudu' collected $532.5 K through its premieres in the US and stood at all time second best after 'Baahubali's $1.373 M. This Koratala Siva's directorial venture was made on Mythri Movie Makers and MB Productions.
Touted to be the family entertainer, Shruthi Haasan has done opposite to Mahesh in the movie. Devi Sri Prasad's tunes are rocking the chartbusters.