The AICC President, Rahul Gandhi, assured that the Congress Party would continue its agitations for Andhra Pradesh's special status. He kicked off 'Ryithu Bharosa Padyatra' today in Ananthapur. He interacted with Jeevan Jyothi School's orphan children, weavers and self help groups of Ananthapur district. He was accompanied by the Congress party's leaders, Megastar Chiranjeevi, Raghuveera Reddy, T Subbarami Reddy and other leaders.
Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi came down heavily on TDP and YSR CP alleging that both the parties were surrendered to the BJP and so are not demanding for AP's special status. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi helped 49 families financially offering them Rs.50,000 each.
On the other hand, Chiranjeevi criticized the TDP intensely for not fulfilling its election promises such as load waiver to the farmers. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi's Ananthapur tour went on success as huge massive crowds lined up in the interior parts of Ananthapur as Chiranjeevi and Rahul walked through those villages.