It seems a section of media is forgetting some facts while promoting 'Baahubali' more than like anything. As per reports of those media houses, SS Rajamouli's 'Baahubali's Hindi dubbed film collected a nett of Rs.50 crores in just 8 days and stood as the number one among Hindi dubbed movies. They have also predicted that the movie's closing nett will be somewhere around Rs.60 crores.
However, as per trade reports, Hollywood's Hindi dubbed movie 'Fast and Furious 7' smashed all the previous dubbing records and accumulated Rs.100+ crores nett in its full run. The movie collected Rs.60 crores nett in its first week run alone. The second record is held by another Hollywood's Hindi dubbed flick 'Avengers' with Rs.70 crores nett collections.
'Baahubali' is likely to stand next after above two dubbed films. However, 'Baahubali' holds 1st position among the Hindi dubbed films only when Indian languages are taken into consideration.