'Gabbar Singh 2,' the tentatively titled next project of Pawan Kalyan in direction of KS Ravindra aka Bobby of 'Power' fame is soon going to start with the second schedule shooting in Gujarat. The film has took off after a long gap when Pawan wasn't impressed with the story and script of many writers who became a part of this venture.
Even now Pawan wants none to be updated officially about the details of 'Gabbar Singh 2.' So, he kept everything very confidential. Till date, we have no information on whether this would appear like a sequel to 'Gabbar Singh' or whether a new story would begin with Gabbar Singh getting transfered to a new area as a part of police job.
All in all, one information we had from our close sources is Renu Desai was seen on the sets of 'Gabbar Singh 2' when the unit was working on location near Pune in Maharashtra. After divorce, Renu Desai was seperated from Pawan and she was living in Pune with her parents and children. When she was informed on 'Gabbar Singh 2' progressing in a location near by Pune, she made some time to visit Pawan along with son Akhira and daughter Aadhya.