Prince Mahesh's Srimanthudu's first look and teaser received phenomenal response from the fans and other movie patrons. One more big festival is ahead of Srimanthudu. It is being said that the audio launch of the movie has been confirmed as 27th of this month in Hyderabad. More details on venue and date are awaited from the makers.
Touted to be a family entertainer Srimanthudu has interesting star cast seen in crucial roles. Shruthi Haasan plays romantic interest of Mahesh. Jagapathi Babu, Sukanya, Rajendra Prasad and Aamani have essayed other crucial roles of the movie.
Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of the movie. The movie was directed by 'Mirchi' fame Koratala Siva on Mythri Movie Makers. July 17 is the scheduled date of release of the movie.