Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Lion' got released on Thursday and received mixed responses on the day of its release. In fact, Balakrishna rendered subtle performance in the role of Godse and it was felt a new experience by the audiences. Even then, there was a dip in collections of the movie on its second day.
However, the makers of the movie reacted very quickly and has taken damage control measures. According to the reports, 14 minutes of the movie has been trimmed and a new trailer was released. Besides, Balakrishna also joined hands with them in promoting the movie. His interviews were aired by TV channels and were published by newspapers. The movie needs to cross Rs.35 crores share world wide to reach break even.
Trisha and Radhika Apte have played romantic interests of Balakrishna in the movie. Manisharma has scored the music of the movie. Debutant Satyadeva has directed the move. Rudhrapati Ramanarao has produced the movie on SLV Cinema.