As we know, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is producing the prestigious venture 'Kick 2' with Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja as a hero. The audio launch will be held on May 9. According to the latest update, Young Tiger NTR will grace this event as a chief guest. Since NTR as a chief guest and Kalyan Ram as a producer appear in the function, the event will be more spectacular.
Incidentally, NTR and NKR have attended 'Danaveerasoorakarna's audio launch as chief guests today. Meanwhile, 'Kick 2' has Rakul Preet Singh in female lead role. Thaman has composed the music of the movie.
Surender Reddy, who is riding high on the blockbuster success of 'Race Gurram' is directing this movie on NTR Arts banner. The movie is slated for release this month end.