Apart from drawing good collections with its Telugu version, Stylish Star Allu Arjun's Malayalam version of 'S/o Satyamurthy' is also doing good at Malluwood box office. According to the reports, the movie collected a gross of Rs.2.70 crores and a share of Rs.1.20 crores for 10 days. The movie is likely to end up either above average or average grosser at the box office.
Meanwhile, the movie accumulated a share of Rs.47.82 crores at the end of its three weeks run through its Telugu version. Samantha, Adah Sharma and Nithya Menon have done opposite to Allu Arjun in this movie. The movie was directed by ace director Trivikram. Radhakrishna has produced the movie on Haarika and Haassine Creations.
Allu Arjun and Boyapati Srinu's new movie will go on sets soon. Mega Producer Allu Aravind will be producing the movie on Geetha Arts. The cast and crew and the title of the movie will be known soon.