It is a tough job for any director or writer to impress a person like Pawan Kalyan who is well acknowledged with every department of film making. Reasons might be unknown but the exit of Sampat Nandi from the commencement of ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ led a happy way for Bobby to get in. Anyways, Bobby’s ‘Power’ skills failed to impress Power Star and then called on Kona Venkat, Gopi Mohan to rewrite the script.
Pawan seems to have a definite set of ideas and commercial values in his mind regarding the story and script of ‘Gabbar Singh 2.’ Unlike the regular commercial flicks, Pawan is trying to inject some social message along with entertainment. If ‘Gabbar Singh’ is a film remade from a hit Bollywood story amended to suit the body language of Power Star, for sure ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ should come up with a storyline unseen and unheard in Telugu cinema history.
Pawan doesn’t even mind waiting for years working on the script till the time complete satisfaction is offered. By this time, ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ should have hit the screens if Sampat Nandi handled it. Apparently, Pawan is giving his writers and direction team an imposition to rewrite the script several times so as to get near utmost perfection.