Ever since the news of ‘S/O Sathya Murthy’ release confusions are spreading in film circles, there is one man who is feeling very happy about. He is none other than producer Suresh Babu. Yes, his much awaited sequel ‘Avunu 2’ is ready to hit the screens. The Ravi Babu directorial with Poorna as heroine should have graced the theaters some time ago but due to Rama Naidu’s death, it was postponed.
If at all, ‘Sathya Murthy’ misses April 2nd and 3rd, Suresh Babu would safely land his ‘Avunu 2’ in high number of theaters. Going by the craze of commercially successful first part of ‘Avunu,’ many of the movie enthusiasts are waiting to hear a statement from Suresh Babu or Ravi Babu. Let us wait for few more days to find the real matter.