Did you know? As of now, 24 noted personalities from bollywood and 10 cine celebrities from West Bengal have got India's highest honour of cinema,Dadasaheb Phalke Award. But then, do you want to know the number of Telugu legends who were given away the same award? As of now, five iconic personalities from tollywood won Dadasaheb Phalke Award and they are BN Reddy, LV Prasad, B Nagireddy, ANR and D Rama Naidu. No Telugu actor so far has won best actor award at national level. Why this discrimination? Let's go for an analysis.
REASONS FOR VERY LESS NO. OF AWARDS AS PER CRITICS: Telugu cinema has not upto the standards of either Hindi or Bengali cinema. Here, commercial movies only are paid off and that's why they are made by the filmmakers. They have no tastes of making good parallel cinema with realistic approach. Bollywood actors and technicians are more charismatic and intellectuals than Telugu artists and technicians.
REASONS FOR VERY LESS NO. OF AWARDS AS PER COMMON AUDIENCE: Telugu heroes enjoy powerful stardom and they get demi god status here. Even though they are not on par with the craze and charisma of tollywood heroes, bollywood heroes feel false prestige. Though Hindi movies have wide range of market, heroes can't get the status of demi god. Since Telugu movies are made with full of discipline in a stipulated time, North Indians, naturally, feel jealous on Telugu cinema.
IT'S VERY EASY TO WIN NATIONAL AWARD!: According to some observers, Telugu cinema can also win National Awards subject to some conditions. If the poverty of India is gloried and is shown to bollywood critics and other countries, Telugu movie may also win a national award. Satyajith Ray was reported to have sold out his cinema making movies showing India's poverty to world countries. That's why he won Oscar Award as well.
ANY NECESSITY TO BAN National Awards?: There is no necessity to ban National Awards at the moment. Since tollywood is the second biggest film industry in India, Telugu industry should get maximum number of awards only next to Hindi movies, proportionately. We should send such feelers to the National Awards committees and the union government. Even if, there is no response, filmmakers should stop sending their movies for National Awards. Instead, new kind of awards committee with high standards should be established in the place of biased, relatives based and caste based Nandi awards.