Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's acting prowess and expertise made 'Legend' a blockbuster. And now, Balakrishna is doing 'Lion' with intensified energy. The movie has engendered good hype among trade circles. Here is one more update on the movie that gives much boost to the movie to raise expectations. According to the reports, CM of AP, Chandrababu Naidu would grace the audio function of 'Lion' which happens to be held o April 9 at Shilpakala Vedika of Hyderabad.
Trisha and Rdhika Apte are doing opposite to Balakrishna in the movie. The movie's music has been scored by Manisharma. Debutante Satya Deva is directing this movie. Rudhrapati Ramana Rao is the producer.