While some of the mega fans went buoyant with Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Janasena's launch and his subsequent support to the political parties BJP and TDP during general elections, 2014, some other fans felt a lot of agony. Most of the mega fans felt Pawan Kalyan should have contested in the elections, If not, he should not have supported other political parties. However, their wishes were not fulfilled then.
Pawan Kalyan had toured the villages of AP's capital area and interacted with the farmers who were worrying if they would lose their valuable lands in land pooling scheme being implemented by AP's government. In response to the appeals made by the farmers, Pawan Kalyan gave emotional speeches in favour of farmers and warned the state government not to be indulged in grabbing the farmers lands without their consent. He felt just 8 thousands of acres are enough to build a capital city with international standards. He also advised the representatives of union government from AP to fight for the special status of AP. On a whole, Pawan Kalyan appeared to have raised a rebellion against the ruling parties of center and the state and mega fans are jumping with joy with the great change from their matinee idol. It remains to be seen how well Pawan Kalyan implements his strategies to protect the rights of farmers and other needy people of AP state.