Producer Bandla Ganesh Babu was able to bring Puri Jagannath, Junior NTR for ‘Temper’ success meet at least helping the film to boost its collections at a time when there is a drop witnessed at booking counters. While Fans are populating bombastic numbers as ‘Temper’ collections, some of the same Fans sources are saying that Bandla should do something to land ‘Temper’ in 50 Crores club.
As per the reports, Bandla Ganesh Babu spoke to director and technical team for adding few more extra scenes in the first half. Most probably, the comedy track of Ali and Sapthagiri should get an extension because they two had an abnormal ending disconnected with the main story. Bandla is trying all the ways possible at his disposal to make ‘Temper’ stand as a 50 Crores film.