Young Tiger NTR's 'Temper' hit the screens on Friday, 13th of February. The movie collected Rs.23.08 crores share at the end of its first weekend run which is said to be a good number at the box office front. On Monday, there was a dip in collections and the movie accumulated Rs.2.25 crores world wide. Again the movie scored high on the day of Shivarathri, which includes the collections of midnight special shows.
As of now, the movie is estimated to have collected a share of around Rs.29 crores for 5 days. However, the real test for 'Temper's stability is known from Wednesday, as there are no special occasions in these week days upto Friday. On Sunday, there will be a one day world cup match between India and South Africa. Wish that 'Temper' can overcome these obstacles in style.