Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Legend's blockbuster hit made the actor's fans elated and they are eagerly waiting for his next film 'Lion'. The movie is currently in the final pace of its shoot. Meanwhile, Balakrishna is all set to work for his 99th venture, which is going on floors next month. 'Loukyam' director Srivas wields the megaphone while star writers Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan penned the script of the movie.
Balakrishna's 'Lion' is gearing up for release in the last week of March. Trisha and Radhika Apte are doing the lady leads. Manisharma scores the music of the movie. The movie was direccted by debutante Satyadeva. Rudhrapati Ramanarao is the producer.