Anil Ravipudi, who shot to fame by directing Nandamuri Kalyan Ram's 'Pataas', is the son of an RTC driver. After putting in years of hard work in the industry this techie is debuting as a director with 'Pataas'. His uncle, Arun Prasad, who directed Pawan Kalyan's 'Thammudu' and 'Goutham SSC' encouraged Anil Ravipudi to settle as a director.
Anil Ravipudi narrated the story to Kalyan Ram three years ago the project went on floors last year. Finally, the movie is hitting the screens on 23rd of this month. Anil's father will get retired few months later this year. Maybe 'Pataas' is a gift to Anil's retiring father.
Shruthi Sodhi has played the lover interest of Kalyan Ram in this cop story. The movie was produced by Kalyan Ram himself on his NTR Arts.