Vijay Kumar proved his mettle with his debut film 'Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindey' starred by Nithiin and Nithya Menon. The movie got decent hit status. The director's second film 'Oka Laila Kosam' was also acclaimed as a feel good entertainer. Buzz is that the director has recently approached Stylish Star Allu Arjun and narrated a story. Having been impressed with the story, the actor has reportedly given his nod to work with the director. Currently the scripting of the movie is being done. More details of the movie will be known soon.
Allu Arjun and ace director Trivikram's movie is in progress. The movie is being planned for an early summer release. Samantha, Adah Sharma and Nithya Menon share the screen space with Allu Arjun. Radhakrishna is producing the movie on Harika and Hassine Creations.