South IndIan top dIrector Shankar's costlIest movIe 'I's audIo was launched In ChennaI some tIme ago. Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger and TamIl superstar RajInIkanth graced the occasIon as chIef guests. It was also rumoured that Telugu audIo maybe attended by JackIe Chan as a chIef guest. And now, the makers are plannIng to launch 'I' movIe Telugu versIon's audIo on 10th December. It remaIns to be seen who Is goIng to be the chIef guest of 'I' audIo.
VIkram and Amy Jackson have done the lead roles of 'I'. AR Rehaman has scored the musIc of the movIe.Aascar RavIchandran Is the producer.