There are wide spread speculations in last two days about the second film of Mega family new hero Varun Tej, son of Naga Babu. While his first film ‘Mukunda’ is spotted for a December release, news of intellectually high attitude director Krish narrated a story for Varun which is most likely to go on floors later this year has come like a surprise. In fact, Krish took a long pause in career after ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ with Rana. He went to Kollywood and now in Bollywood toying with the remake of ‘Tagore’ titled as ‘Gabbar.’
As Krish signed the deal with producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali for ‘Gabbar,’ he cannot come back to Hyderabad for Varun. So, if at all there is a project of Varun Tej in Krish direction, it should be only after ‘Gabbar’ currently under production.