Against the rumors of Junior Ntr, Bandla Ganesh Babu combinational film in direction of Puri Jagannath is gossiped as shelved, here comes sensational news on remuneration of Young Tiger. Yes, the back to back flops of ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ and ‘Rabhasa’ have disturbed the business range of NTR who is now no more considered in Top 5 Tollywood heroes list. Whilst trade circles and Nandamuri Fans still believe in stamina of Tarak to shake the BO if a right film falls into his kitty, till then NTR has to keep on waiting.
Keeping in view the poor record, NTR is known to have requested his producer Bandla Ganesh Babu to slash his remuneration for Puri film. May be a drop in 3 to 4 Crores is expected in his pay cheque. Rarely do we see heroes like NTR who voluntarily save his producers from falling into debt risks. Hope that good times will be back in NTR camp with this Puri movie.