Late NTR's 'Bhale Thammudu' was one of the good hits in the actor's career. The movie had many hit songs such as 'Nede eenade', 'Gopala bala ninne chera', 'Enthavaralaina vedanthulaina gaani' etc. All the songs in this movie were sung by Mohammed Rafi.
Grapevine is that 'Enthavarulaina' song is being remixed for Nara Rohit's new movie 'Rowdy Fellow'. In fact, 'Enthavarulaina' song was inspired by Shammi Kapoor's 'Baar baar dekho..hazaar baar dekho' song from 'China Town' released in the year, 1962. Meanwhile, 'Rowdy Fellow' is being directed by Krishna Chaitanya and the music of the movie is scored by Sunny.